If you're worried about a child, contact the Children's Hub for Stockton & Hartlepool on 01429 284284 or by email at [email protected]
For Home Learning Resources please visit our CPD & Resources pages.

Welcome to the website of Stockton Virtual School for Children and Young People in our Care and formerly in Care.
Services and schools in Stockton-on-Tees work effectively together to ensure that all Children and Young People in our Care are supported, encouraged and challenged to aim high, to enjoy and to achieve.
"The virtual school is highly valued by local schools. The support it provides is enabling a strong sense of corporate responsibility towards children in care. School attendance is good at 96%. Children are supported to remain in school against a backdrop more generally of increasing exclusions. Children of all ages are making progress, and outcomes for children in care, particularly in the early years, have improved over time. Effective work by youth participation officers ensures that almost all children progress onto further education after Key Stage 4."
Ofsted, July 2019