PEP Meetings & ePEP

PEP – Personal Education Plan / PEP Meeting

The Virtual School’s role is to:-

  • ‘ensure that social workers, designate teachers and schools, carers and IROs understand their role and responsibilities in initiating, developing, reviewing and updating the child’s PEP and how they help meet the need identified in the PEP’
  • quality assure the PEP to ensure that all information is in place and that targeted support is in line with the child’s needs, supported by the Pupil Premium Plus. Senior Colleagues within the LA together with members of the VS carry out the quality assurance systems. PEPs are judged to be Green, Amber or Red. Where PEPs are judged as Red/Amber additional support is offered.

In line with statutory guidance:-

  • The social worker leads on initiating and ensuring the PEP is in place (within 10 days of entering care and in readiness for the first statutory review)
  • When a child enters care they must have a care plan, of which the PEP is an integral part. The PEP should cover a range of education and development needs
  • The PEP should be reviewed each school term so that it is a ‘living document’ recording progress and achievement and include up-to-date SMART targets in line with the child’s need (academic and wellbeing) and Pupil Premium Plus spending.
  • Where a child has an EHCP this should be reflected in the child’s PEP
  • In Stockton the Virtual School uses a secure online ePEP System called Welfare Call.
  • The Designated Teacher leads on how the PEP is developed and used in school to make sure the child’s progress towards educational targets is monitored

Please note the quality of the PEP is the joint responsibility of the LA that looks after the child and the school – Social workers, carers, VSH, Designated Teachers and as appropriate other relevant professionals. The child should be involved at all stages (according to understanding and ability) and where appropriate the child and/or relevant family member.