What Are Hubs?

Primary Hubs

Primary Hubs were established in Autumn Term 2016, at the request of the Assistant Director and the Primary Head Representative on the Local Safeguarding Board, to collect the voice and views of Primary CYPIOC in a more creative way than a simple questionnaire. During the academic year 2016 – 2017 Key Stage 2 CYPIOC attending Stockton schools were invited to termly events during which they were asked a variety of questions relating to being in Local Authority Care.

Whilst the original purpose was to collect the child’s voice, it was clear from the evaluation shared with MALAP and senior managers that the overriding factor was the enjoyment of the children in coming together, socialising with each other and developing new skills.

The second year of the Primary Hubs focussed on Leadership skills and qualities. The third year focus was Anti-Bullying and Friendship following the issue being raised by the older Let’s Take Action Group.  

Pupils who attend Stockton schools and are in the care of other Local Authorities are welcome to attend should they wish to do so.

Secondary Hubs

Due to the success of the Primary Hubs, Secondary Hub events were established in 2017/18 for CYPIOC in Year 7, 8 and 9 in partnership with Stockton Sixth Form College.

Again, pupil voice around these events are collected and the young people note that they enjoy being with other CYPIOC and developing new skills. The Secondary Hub takes place twice a year to avoid pupils missing key aspects of the curriculum in the spring term.

As for the Primary Hubs, pupils who attend Stockton schools and are in the care of other Local Authorities are welcome to attend should they wish to do so.  

Attendance and Thank You

There is no expectation that any pupil must attend. 

Virtual School would like to thank the Primary and Secondary Schools, Stockton Sixth Form College, and Local Authority colleagues such as Youth Direction, Preston Park Museum etc for their support with the Hub events.

If you would like further information on the Hubs or you would like to attend one of the events, please contact Virtual School. 


Benefits of HUB events

Virtual School have found that by hosting HUB events there have been many benefits including 

  • Being able to collect CYPIOC pupil voice, pupils feel listened to
  • Quality time for Designated Teacher and Pupils to share together
  • CYPIOC are clearer about the role of the Virtual School in supporting and challenging them with their learning
  • CYPIOC meet and spend time with other CYPIOC and are given opportunities to take part in different events at different venues
  • Designated Teacher colleagues have the opportunity to spend time with each other
  • Virtual School have the opportunity to promote MOMO app and Local Authority Pledge
MOMO and Local Authority Pledge