Parent & Carer Views

An important part of the PEP (Personal Education Plan) is the views of the parent or carer. This gives you the opportunity to voice how you feel about your child's wellbeing at home and in their school/setting, as well as how they are getting on academically.

Before or during the meeting, the social worker or a member of staff at the school/setting will ask you to submit your views verbally, on paper, or online into our ePEP.

The document to the right shows the kinds of questions you may be asked. 

Just as important are the views, or voice, of the child. These are also included in the PEP and should be used to inform actions and targets.

Although we sometimes use the term "voice of the child", children of all ages can express their views in a number of ways. They may be able to articulate their views clearly, or may need to draw pictures or, for very young children, they will show their feelings through their interactions with others.

If you would like to see examples of the questions we ask children, please click on the links to the right.